Home | Intro | Modes of Expression | Sexuality & Gender | Race | Conclusion | Works Cited | Contact


Welcome. This website is a multimedia-based research project that is designed to analyze anime and how the history and culture of Japan shaped several aspects and themes anime has inherited into its narratives.

The layout of this website is simple and concise. The project is broken down into several thematic sections. Access to these sections is available through a menu located both at the top and bottom of each webpage.

With the use of Lightbox JavaScript and Flash, screenshots and videos from the anime films being analyzed are laid out in a gallery-like style. By clicking the image, a pop-up screen will appear. This screen will display the image in its full size. Below each pop-up screen, information pertaining to image, as well as copyright information, will be displayed. Using flash video encoding, videos are placed directly within the webpages of this project. To play the video clips, simply click the play button on the interface that is superimposed on the video.

If there are any questions or technical issues concerning this web project, please email Carlos Rios by using the contact link located in the menu.